Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A Good Start

Thank you, one and all for your early postings. As we wait for books to arrive I have another question...what would you dream studio look like/feel like? Where would it be?  What music if any would you play? Would you have others in your studio? I know some of you have had the opportunity to visit other spaces/places or maybe Junction is your only experience...take time to dream. Dream Big.
And Syllabus is misspelled in the  blog. It will not be my only adventure with the alphabet.


  1. My dream studio setting would be in the country surrounded by maple, birch, and pine trees. It would be located not too far from the ocean so I can take long walks along with experiencing the four seasons. The studio would be a beautiful wood structure with lots of windows and sky lights along with a wood stove in the corner. There would be a rocking chair to take tea breaks and to ponder the work of art in front of me. It will be a place that is always welcoming and filled with others who would like to join in the fun of making art. A bike also would have to be handy since I love to ride. Children’s art would be hanging on the walls along with photos of friends and family. I would have a variety of music to play and room to dance with my 2 year old son and wife.

    1. Gotta agree about the country. This summer in Junction, I thought to myself multiple times "I could live out here. Amazon Prime would ship here super fast...it's like I'm still in the city." The light, air, attitude--all totally different in the country.

    2. In your country setting, would you be near or far from the city? To experience the 4 seasons would be ideal. Would artists come and go readily or would/could they stay? Sounds like a great, relaxing environment.

  2. As someone who uses their own kitchen, I would gladly take anything at this point! However I would love to have a studio with two glass walls, looking out on a beautiful green garden and yard. Inspirational images, pictures, and ideas hanging on the non-glass walls, and potted plants throughout the studio. Classical music, along with Ella Fitzgerald crooning in the background would keep me relaxed, focused, and content. An open door always welcoming visitors, and allowing my dog to come and go as she pleases, and a shelf devoted to books. Lots and lots of books!

    1. I hear that Ella! I love having people (and creatures) visiting while I work. I think once I get to work on the wheel in my garage, my neighbors will find it easy enough to swing by and visit. Just gotta click "pay" on that wheel... D:

    2. Jason, Would love to visit your dream studio; I like the idea of having a dog around, being a dog lover myself.Having a garden is not a bad idea too, might have to put one in my dream studio.

    3. Would your studio be in an urban context, or would that matter? Classical Music and Ella - Yes!, your dog and lots of books - sounds great.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My dream studio would also be my office and shop. I would have all my art supplies, tools, power tools, books, wifi, and a coffee maker. I have the perfect studio structure right now in a one car garage in the corner of my property, but it is far from from being my studio at this point. A new porch roof, new shingles, insulation, and sheet rock, and I think I will be moving in. Right now I have plenty of work space in my home, but all my stuff is scattered. In my dream studio one end will have my shop tools, next to the garage door so I can open the door and let the dust fly into the alley. The other end will have some built in books shelves with glass window cabinet doors to shield from dust. My computer workstation will be in the corner. The longer wall will have plenty of cabinets and shelving to accommodate all my tools and supplies. All my materials will be in one organized place. That will be my dream.

  4. I love "seeing" your studios. I dream of an U shaped house with one side being the studio. Think the width of a two car garage. the first part would be a workshop with an over head door for dye vats, saws or whatever I think i might need. The next area 9continuing towards the connecting section of the U, would be the storage, both for my work and the work I have collected. Next is the print room, because I still do linocuts now and again and would love to be able to go and do one without having to re-organize all my supplies. Finally the last section is my sewing room with all my beads, sequins, threads and cloth. The final room needs lots of windows, a wall to hang work on, my lazy boy chair and a tv/music system. The print room needs lots of music.Somewhere the studios will open to the courtyard so my silly critters can play and watch me work. Oh yes and I need my work table pus a couple of other tables to lay out prints/cloth.

  5. Hi everyone,
    I am a little late in casting my vision for a dream studio. I have always had a studio on my house. Right now I share the space with 2 border collies and my work-work desk and an elliptical machine. In addition to North light, tall ceilings and bookshelves which actually open in to Narnia, I dream of having enough floor space for a model stand and and easels about her (or him).
    For inspiration, I would have some Turners and Diebenkorns about the place. And my brushes and palette would always be clean and ready. Most of what I am saying is really discipline for me, in my dream studio full of light and space and the books I love, I would wish mostly for the daily discipline of showing up to create.

    1. Diebenkorn,ocean park series, oh ya! "Bookshelves which open to Narnia"- love it.

  6. My dream studio would be carefully designed and cluttered with imagery of completed and incompleted works, present and future works. I revere the ideal of lifelong learning. This premise will be evident throughout all of my work. The occasional visitor will be fascinated with my detailed drawings and paintings that depict the imagery and journeys through my mind's eye. I would have a studio in a ranch style abode in the hill country of Texas, or perhaps a rough-hewn timber structure in the colorful geographical context of northern New Mexico, a cut-stone art studio nestled in the north central Colorado Rockies or perhaps a ranch heavy timber rough-hewn wood/stone studio near the majestic Grand Tetons of Jackson Wyoming. The music heard would be new age, flamenco guitar, country or folk music with bluegrass influences, stringed instruments of various kind: guitars, banjo's, ukelele's, violins or fiddles. Soothing drums, flutes and piano would, could be common threads. It would be possible to have perhaps 2 or 3 other artists with similar southwest vernacular ideals alongside my art studio. Perhaps there would be "visiting" artists that would/could stay on premises for 6-12 months at a time.

    1. Let me know Rick when I can work at your dream studio. Enjoyed looking at your works on fresco that you did this summer at Junction.

  7. HI ALL! I apologize for posting so late...
    I'm with Jayson.. anything would be great! I currently use my garage (NO heat or A/C) and my classroom as my studio... With that being said I would want a rather LARGE space with one wall filled with bookshelves from floor to ceiling.. I am a very organized person and would love to have all my supplies readily available and organized. I would also need several large tables that I can spread out on, but also floor space because I love to sit on the floor and create.One wall with a cork board all over it so I can hang up anything and not worry about the wall, I always have so many projects going on I could separate them out on the cork board and not have to clean up! On at least 2 walls I would love nothing but windows, skylights or maybe a garage door to open and let the fresh air in. I LOVE being outside when its nice out! Definitely a surround sound system and a TV. I would also want an additional room attached through a door for all my power tools. There would also have to be a space in there for my son and possibly another one in the future, for them to create along with me. There's nothing better then having my 'lil man creating while I am! I think the best part of the space would be leaving everything out and not having to clean up and just being able to go in and work and not have to set up and clean up but just be me and create!

    1. Organization is key! :) I am one of those folks that can't stand looking for materials/tools, so having it all laid out neatly--DREAM! I appreciate the surround sound...but for me a big cooler filled with bee--verages would keep me going. ;)

    2. Andrea, I like the spontaneity of your studio and considerations for growth. Including your Son is a great idea and a learning environment for all. Having an unkempt space or studio reminds me of a plaque I once had that stated "A creative mind is rarely... tidy".

  8. I'm working on that dream studio. Sigh...it begins with an updated breaker box. LOL, my house was built in 1958...and electricity needs have changed since then. I have been on a metal roll since 2004 and would love to see a plasma torch, MIG welder, and 20# sledge in my studio (that's about all I need to fabricate my metal work). A cupola would be cool, but i'm not totally insane yet; I'll continue casting with my friends/profs. That's probably what makes casting so much fun--the people I get to collaborate with. Now that I have delved back into clay, a wheel to round out my home studio (I have a small electric kiln) would mean I could get back into making clay works. (I've got 80% of my wheel funds, come pay-day I'm just gonna pull the metaphorical trigger and buy one). I also want to dig a pit in my yard for low-fire finishes on clay pieces. I already have an indoor studio--watercolor/collage/fiber art. A second desk/table space would help so I don't have to always put up projects in between spurts of inspiration/time.

    I do my best to continue working even without everything I "need"/want. I place a goal to show at least once a year in a "serious" gallery. Looks like this year (yipee!!), I'll have at minimum three different showings. I really do try to advance elementary art teachers--we are serious artists/thinkers, too.

    1. Emily, Congratulations on your studio design. It sounds like you're well on your way. What a dynamic place you'd have. I applaud your ability to carefully manage and pursue your desired goals. Your passion comes through in all you do!

  9. So sorry for the late post. I got back late Saturday after working all weak and still waiting on the first book to read.

    I've never had my own studio so dreaming of one perfect one is nice. My dream studio would be open with 3 white walls and the fourth wall would be a open window looking out over scenery. That is if Lubbock had some scenery to look at. So in this dream I picture looking over at a nice mountains, something you would see in a Twilight movie. I would choose white walls because I want to draw on the walls and pin up renderings. I would also play any type of music that fits my mood that day. Lately I have been into dubstep so that would probably be the music of choice.

    I've never had a studio space before so I really do not know what they look like. I think of a 10x10 cubicle when I think of what they would look like on campus. I also would be open minded to a studio mate but I think I might be to much to handle. Music would be loud and I'm loud so it would be discretion to the other person in the studio.

  10. My 15 year goal is my artist and scientist in residency non-profit and for profit commune. This concept has been actually in the works for 5 years now and I continue to learn and build toward my goal of this commune. In this residency there will be a facility for the artists basically a huge steel building which is broken into open areas and cubical type spaces for those who prefer that type of work environment, and another facility will have modern technology such as internet, networking, wifi, and a bank of computers to use for scientist and artist as well. The commune will have small hut units as living quarters which will encircle a community space which will have the kitchen, showers, lounge, ect. Each unit will basically have a small sink and an area for a bed. There will be a fenced in area that connects the huts together to make a circle. With in this circle will be access to a fishery, greenhouse, warm farm, in symbiotic balance each resident will contribute. Each hut will be powered by a individualized green energy source through wind or solar. It will be the responsibility of every visiting resident to maintain their own hut as well as do chores to maintain the food sources and general maintenance. The residence will be international and either be paying to gain these skills or as through a residency acceptance term. The whole facility will be on/off grid and located at a property which I and my father already own near Trinidad, Colorado up in the mountains at 10k feet. The property is 110 acres has a year long stream flowing through length of the property, borders national forest, and has year round access, unless a major snow storm blocks the county maintained road. At this property I will be the owner and the lead for the community. In my spare time I will use all the same facilities that are available to all residence to produce my own art and science projects through the influence and inspiration I gain from the environment and other individuals I meet. I already have friends in the area and one group whom I'm already associated with and donate to is called "Earth Mountain." Joni and Carter are the creators and backbone of this non-profit green alternative sustainable living youth education organization who are only about 20 mins of dirt road driving from my property. They are great people here is their website and feel free to contact, visit them, or make a small donation.


    1. Josh, your studio sounds great and I'd sure like to visit. Your vision of developing your studio near Trinidad Colorado would be time consuming, yet visionary. Hope this dream all comes together just as you'd like.
